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Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Unabomber's possessions auctioned off

Items belonging to Theodore Kaczynski, the convicted Unabomber, will be sold in an Internet auction, the proceeds from which will go to those injured during the madman's killing spree. Along with hundreds of books, bidders will be able to vie for the killer's hatchet, welding mask, blue scarf, three typewriters, and several hooded jackets. A separate court filing estimates that Kaczynski's writings--which include several versions of his demented "Manifesto"--cover 40,000 handwritten notebook pages. The material details his urges to kill, acts of vandalism, and includes a meticulous recitation of his 17-year bombing campaign. Five firearms seized from the lunatic's Montana cabin during a 1996 FBI raid will not be auctioned. Instead, the weapons will be given to Kaczynski's victims and the imprisoned murderer will get a $300 credit toward his $15 million restitution debt.
