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Friday, August 11, 2006

Lindsay Lohan is a liar

Speaking during a new interview with Elle magazine, Lohan claimed that her romantic links to numerous men including Bruce Willis, Jared Leto and Ryan Adams were all product of her own untruths.

She said: "I say things that aren't true a lot... If I was dating one person (I'd) probably tell them I was dating someone else and then I'd call my friend and be like, 'Do you mind if I say that we're dating?'

"I figure I'll fuck with them (tabloids), because they fuck with me"

However, despite her ‘single girl’ existence, Lohan is keen to be with a one woman guy, if she can find one: "If I'm going to give my body to someone, I'd rather them not be with other people, but I want to be able to (date) if I like someone else.

"I don't think I've had enough experience with dating one guy for a long time"

Um, okay...


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