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Thursday, August 03, 2006

Mel Gibson takes his punishment

Mel Gibson was formally charged today in connection with last week's slur-filled drunk driving incident on Malibu's Pacific Coast Highway. The Hollywood star, 50, was named in a misdemeanor complaint filed by the L.A. district attorney's office. A copy of the bare-bones Gibson complaint can be found below. Along with a DUI rap, Gibson was charged with driving with a blood alcohol level above California's .08 legal limit. The actor was also cited for a vehicle code infraction for having an open bottle of liquor (in this case, Cazadores Tequila) in his 2006 Lexus sedan when stopped by a sheriff's deputy on July 28. A September 28 Superior Court arraignment is set for Gibson, who, if convicted, faces a maximum of six months in jail. [source]

There is also an old interview from 2 years ago with Reader's Digest in which Mel Talks about the Holocaust and his father. To read it, click here.