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Friday, July 14, 2006

The View enjoys ratings hike in the absence of Star Jones

ABC's The View really has something to talk about: milestone ratings. Last week — the first batch of post-Star Jones, celebrity-guest-cohosted episodes — the show broke the top five in the demographic for women ages 18 to 49, for the first time since January 2004; it also enjoyed a 5 percent bump in total viewers from the previous week. [source]
At least Mrs. Reynolds is finding her way towards the truth: she has slowly skirted around the issue of gastric-bypass. She says in her interview with Larry King,

"Let's say this I needed the help of doctors in all aspects of my life. I needed the doctors to do everything for me, fair enough."
Hmmm... Read into it what you will, but why all the secrecy? Especially from a woman so candid about other aspects of her life. [source]