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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Paris: bad in bed and drug smuggler, geez...

The quotes you are about to read are from Nick Carter. Bear this in mind when judging. Nick is filth and Paris is rich trash, so believe what you will:

"She was a drunken prude who as far as I can see did not really like sex.

"She relied on drugs and drink to give her confidence in the bedroom and was more often than not too wasted to even perform.
"I lost count of the nights I had to pick her off the floor and drag her to bed passed out."
"She made it clear she wanted to have sex and couldn't keep her hands off me," he said.

"At the start she loved to tease me by saying she wasn't wearing any pants. But because I know Paris is used to getting what she wants when she wants, I was determined to make her wait, which drove her wild with desire.

"In fact I held out for three weeks before I had sex with her.

"We'd flown to the Bahamas and I wanted everything to be perfect. But Paris got completely wasted and the sex was distinctly average as we were both too drunk to really enjoy it. It was just a blur of Jack Daniel's."
However the pair were so besotted, Nick had her name tattooed on his wrist and she had his inscribed on her bottom.
But Paris's vast wealth started to come between them. Nick said: "In reality I think she loved me because she thought, with all her money, she could control me.
"But I've never met anybody who can spend so needlessly. One day she even came home with a pair of FERRETS, which are illegal in California. I think she had simply run out of things to buy."

"All she wanted to do was drink and smoke and for a while I was lured into that whole scene too.
"Night after night we'd just get utterly wasted and Paris can't take her drink. I'd be pulling her off nightclub floors, with her wearing next to nothing, and putting her to bed totally off her head."

He claims she was so hooked on the drug she'd even smuggle it on to aeroplanes — in TEDDY BEARS.
"If she was going overseas she'd cut a hole in her teddy and stuff it with cannabis," he said.
"She had to have her own private stash with her at all times regardless of the consequences."