Hey Tom Cruise! Yeah you! Stop being such a pansy!
I wish that L. Ron Hubbard's bitch (Tom Cruise) would realize that he draws more attention to situations that mock/ridicule him/Scientology by overreacting than the situations draw to themselves. Here's the latest Tom overreaction:
A Web site satirizing Tom Cruise's affiliation to the Church of Scientology through spoof videos and commentary could face closure as religious officials threaten legal action.ScienTOMogy.info has been bombarded by complaints from leaders of the controversial religion, which is championed by Tom Cruise and a string of other celebrities including John Travolta and Katie Holmes.
In particular, recent postings on the New Zealand-based website threaten court action for copyright infringement of the domain name.
Gossip website The Scoop reports a legal letter sent to ScienTOMogy web creators which reads, "You are hereby on notice that the registration and use of this domain name in this fashion has caused your name to be falsely associated with our client's registered mark, Scientology.
Responds the site, "The site clearly states in its header, 'This site has absolutely no connection whatsoever with the Church of Scientology, it's affiliated organizations or, needless-to-say, Tom Cruise'.
"It is designed for commentary and criticism within the limits of Free Speech."
1 Comment:
Tom Cruise loves the cock!
Oh, Scientology also recently tried to suppress an indie film called "The Bridge". "The Bridge" is the only known full length film critical of Scientology. It isn't much but it is a start.
http://scientology.chrisbox.com - to join the movement
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