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Thursday, September 21, 2006

More on Travolta's gay kiss

John Travolta's attorney has raced to defend his client against gay slurs after the star was photographed kissing another man before flying him to America on board his private jet. Publicists insisted the smooch was harmless and Travolta's wife Kelly Preston was on board the plane which ferried the actor and the family's male nanny home from Ontario, Canada. Martin Singer (Travolta's attorney) says, "As a manner of customary greeting and saying farewell, Mr. Travolta kisses both women and men whom he considers to be extremely close friends. People who are close to Mr. Travolta are aware of his customary, non-romantic gesture."

I can't believe this is the best that they could come up with. It would have been more believable if they had issued a statement saying that Travlolta's lips were dry and he needed some chapstick.