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Saturday, September 30, 2006

Celebrity style watch: the good, the bad, and the WTF?!

Sharon Stone

Paris Hilton

Jessica Simpson

Kate Beckinsale


Nicole Richie's evolution to nothing


Friday, September 29, 2006

Anna Nicole weds attorney Howard K. Stern

From StarMagazine:

Anna Nicole Smith married her long-time attorney and close confidante, Howard K. Stern, this morning just shortly before 10:30 am in Nassau, Bahamas. The wedding occurred only 18 days after the death of Anna's son Daniel, 20, from an accidental drug overdose in her Nassau hospital room on September 10.
In a world-exclusive report, an eyewitness tells Star that Anna, 38, and Howard, 37, tied the knot shortly before 10:30 am on the morning of September 28, while sailing on a white catamaran off of Nassau!
"There was heavy security around the yacht, plus extra speedboats to deliver more supplies as needed (including unlimited Dom Perignon champagne) from the mainland to the catamaran," says the eyewitness, who adds that the wedding party celebrated the union afterwards by having a swim party around the yacht — "and Anna was wearing a pink bikini! Later on, she changed into a colorful, one-piece suit with a wrap around her waist."

Two days before, on September 26, Stern appeared live on the Larry King Show via satellite from the Bahamas, to announce that he was the father of Anna's newborn daughter Danilynne Hope, that he and Anna "love each other" — and that the duo would get married "at some point."

But remember, this is Star Magazine that's claiming that they're hitched. Could be true... but consider the source.


an update on Anna Nicole's son Daniel

From Yahoo:
An American examiner hired by the family, Cyril Wecht, said 20-year-old Daniel Smith had methadone and two antidepressants in his system when he died Sept. 10 in his mother's hospital room in the Bahamas. Low levels of the three drugs interacted to cause an accidental death, Wecht said.

Daniel Smith, who reportedly was hospitalized for depression and back pain before he traveled to Nassau, had been prescribed the antidepressant Lexapro, Wecht said. He said he had not determined whether Smith had also been prescribed Zoloft, the other antidepressant found in his system.

The two drugs can be lethal when taken together or in sequence, according to Ann Blake Tracy, the Des Moines, Iowa-based director of the International Coalition for Drug Awareness.

"The residue can stay there for some time, and if they're prescribed one after they've taken another, they can end up in trouble," she said.

Wecht said he did not know why Smith was taking methadone, a pain-reliever that is also used to ease heroin cravings for recovering addicts.

The combination of the three drugs, even in low doses, could easily have killed Smith, said Lisa Johnson, a pharmacist at Cedars-Sinai Medical Center in Los Angeles.

"The methadone will slow you down, but the other ones make your system speed up, so it's an odd combination," she said.


Tuesday, September 26, 2006

Aaron Carter is not engaged anymore... well that was fast

Even I didn't think that it would all be over THIS fast.
Contact Music:

Aaron Carter has ended his engagement to model/actress Kari Ann Peniche - just nine days after proposing. The Crazy Little Party girl hitmaker, 18, asked former Miss Teen USA and Playboy model Peniche, 22, to marry him on stage at the Playboy Hollywood Comedy Tour in Las Vegas, Nevada, on 19 September (06). After Peniche accepted, the couple announced plans to wed in the next six months. However, Carter has now released a statement to American magazine Us Weekly, admitting he is too young to marry. He says, "I got caught up in the moment and proposed. I then realised it was a hasty thing to do and I am not ready for marriage quite yet." Peniche previously dated Carter's older brother, Backstreet Boy Nick Carter.



Monday, September 25, 2006

Madonna and Guy Ritchie to adopt a child/children?

Madonna and Guy Ritchie are reportedly planning to adopt a child, or perhaps children, from an orphanage in Malawi.

A source close to the couple has told the People newspaper: “Originally Madonna and Guy planned to adopt only one child. But when they were told that might mean breaking up a family unit they immediately said they would take siblings or twins if that was the right thing to do.”

“They want the children to be as young as possible but are prepared to take kids up to the age of four.”

“And they are also willing to consider a child with special needs arising from being abandoned in an orphanage.”

The couple are planning to spend a week in the country next month with the hope of leaving at the end of the time with their new child or children. The source added: “It will be a very hectic trip with each day packed with meetings, but they are both really excited. They understand the implications of adopting a child from another country and are confident they can provide a loving and stable home.”

“They are determined to make sure their child or children learn about their roots.”

Their children, Lourdes and Rocco, are apparently “also really excited ex about having a brother or sister - or even both.”



Cross-dressing criminals arrested at Wal-Mart

Okay, so these aren't celebrities. But when I run across a story that's this amusing (well, the photos are the amusing part) I just have to post it.

From TheSmokingGun:

On Saturday morning, Paris, Kentucky police received a call from a local Wal-Mart reporting that three black females were trying to pass stolen checks. When the trio became concerned that store employees might be contacting cops, they fled, only to be apprehended nearby. Officers discovered that the trio possessed numerous stolen checks, hot merchandise, altered drivers licenses, and penises. Seems that their disguises--purses, makeup, earrings, wigs, pink cell phones, etc.--were intended to shield the alleged crooks from detection by law enforcement. Though, judging by the mug shots on the following pages, it is unclear whom they actually fooled. Pictured below is arrestee Jacques Ransom, 32. Co-defendants Aaron Alexander, 31, and Eric Dawson, 23, can be seen on the following pages. The cross-dressers are being held in the Bourbon Detention Center, where they have been unable to make bail on a variety of criminal possession of a forged instrument charges.

Woo... if this ain't ugly, I don't know what is!


Jessica still has Nick's t-shirts


Pop star Jessica Simpson may have dumped ex-husband Nick Lachey last year (05), but she still kept his T-shirts around so she can sleep in them every night. The Public Affair star has moved on from the relationship, but still has the reminders of her former life. She says, "I still have some of them. I don't throw away things. I love Nick with all my heart. He's still a dear friend. "He's part of who I am. He's a part of what happened to me. We grew up together. I fell in love with him when I was 19. That's young."

Maybe she realizes that getting rid of Nick was the stupidest thing she's ever done, since he was probably the best thing that ever happened to her. Being pretty, dumb and single has got to be infinitely worse than being married to Nick Lachey.
Case in point, Ireland OnLine says:
Pop star Jessica Simpson is so sick of men flirting with her, she walks around facing the floor and avoiding eye contact with members of the opposite sex.

The blonde beauty, who divorced from husband Nick Lachey in June, is tired of the attention she gets from men.

And the Dukes Of Hazzard star is not enjoying the single life. Simpson complains: "There are the guys who try to make eye contact when you are out somewhere or whatever. Then when they get that eye contact they think they're in. So I try to avoid that and keep my eyes on the floor at all times!"



Saturday, September 23, 2006

TomKat to marry very soon

Katie Holmes has reportedly confirmed to photographers that she is set to marry Tom Cruise within the next few weeks. When the photographers shadowing her on a recent shopping trip asked if she was going to be walking down the aisle soon, Katie smiled and replied: “Yes!”

According to a source quoted in Us Weekly, Katie’s mum is staying with the family in Beverly Hills to “help with the final wedding planning”.The ceremony is expected to happen either at their Beverly Hills home or at the nearby Church of Scientology Celebrity Center but either way, the wedding is apparently going to be “simple and elegant”.

The source added: “Tom really wants this to be about Katie having her dream day.”


Lindsay and Harry are no more

Lindsay Lohan and Harry Morton split up Thursday, multiple sources confirmed to PEOPLE – but now they seem to be speaking again. "Harry broke up with Lindsay yesterday at Chateau Marmont after they had dinner on the courtyard patio," a source tells PEOPLE. "Nothing happened at dinner, but shortly afterward, he broke up with her." "She was too much drama," says a source close to Harry. "Lindsay did cut down on the partying, but with her it's all relative. Harry is sober. It wasn't the partying that broke them up. Harry's more low-key and not into the same stuff she's into." Lohan was spotted at Hollywood's Chateau Marmont on Thursday, running onto the patio where four of her friends were sitting – and weeping, a wad of tissues on one hand, her cell phone in the other.


Thursday, September 21, 2006

Owen and Kate not hiding anymore

People: It's no longer a secret: Kate Hudson and Owen Wilson are definitely out and about and having a fun time together. Hudson, who separated from Chris Robinson in August, and Wilson are keeping a relatively low profile – but are spending more time together in the public eye.
On Sunday, Wilson visited Hudson and pals at her Pacific Palisades, Calif. house. Then, later that evening, the two shared a patio booth at the Polo Lounge in the Beverly Hills Hotel, where they ordered drinks and, at one point, requested that a bamboo divider be placed around their table for privacy. Wilson’s rep, who previously denied reports of a romance, now has "no comment on his personal life."


I see London, I see France, I see hot pink underpants.

Oh no he didn't!


Matty gets his groove on

All I have to say is that could have been me! I wanted to go to the Austin City Limits Festival- the greatest music festival in the world- this year but couldn't get the time off from work. This chick is LUCKY. I guess life just isn't fair sometimes.


UPDATE: Cam and Tim

The X17 people have this to say about the confrontation between X17 photog and Cam and Tim:

To the best of our knowledge, the pictures and video of Justin Timberlake and Cameron Diaz early morning on Tuesday, September 19 were taken on a public street where there was no “Private Drive” or “Private Property” sign visible. What the photographer knows he saw and what the pictures show, were at least two people verbally and physically assaulting him. Reports stating that Ms. Diaz has told police that the photographer tried to run her over with his car are completely false. The photographer was attempting to leave what he perceived to be a dangerous situation for him and when he tried to do so, Ms. Diaz and at least one other member of her entourage stood in front of his car in an attempt to entrap him. He drove around them at what he perceived to be a safe distance, as at least five members of Ms. Diaz and Mr. Timberlake’s group were yelling at him, making threats against him. The photographer is currently in the process of filing a complaint against Ms. Diaz and Mr. Timberlake.


More on Travolta's gay kiss

John Travolta's attorney has raced to defend his client against gay slurs after the star was photographed kissing another man before flying him to America on board his private jet. Publicists insisted the smooch was harmless and Travolta's wife Kelly Preston was on board the plane which ferried the actor and the family's male nanny home from Ontario, Canada. Martin Singer (Travolta's attorney) says, "As a manner of customary greeting and saying farewell, Mr. Travolta kisses both women and men whom he considers to be extremely close friends. People who are close to Mr. Travolta are aware of his customary, non-romantic gesture."

I can't believe this is the best that they could come up with. It would have been more believable if they had issued a statement saying that Travlolta's lips were dry and he needed some chapstick.


Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Willie Nelson does drugs... well duh.

Willie Nelson and several members of his band were issued misdemeanor citations for drug possession early today during a traffic stop in Saint Martin Parish.

The traffic stop was conducted on Interstate 10 near Breaux Bridge.
Trooper Willie Williams says troopers smelled a strong odor of marijuana when the driver opened the bus door.
During a search of the bus, Williams say approximately 1 1/2 pounds of marijuana and approximately 2/10 of a pound of mushrooms were located on the bus.



Oprah for President 2008!

A retired Kansas City teacher has launches a one-man campaign to get Oprah nominated for President in 2008. Now Oprah and her team are suing him for using her name to sell a book and t-shirt on his web site. TheSmokingGun has all the details and the cease and desist letter.


Aaron Carter to marry Playboy Playmate.

Singer Aaron Carter is engaged to Playboy Playmate Kari Ann Peniche. Carter, 18, popped the question to Peniche (who previously dated Aaron's brother Nick) on Saturday in Las Vegas while they were onstage in front of 200 people during the Playboy Comedy Tour at the Palms Casino Resort. The couple, who plan to wed in the next six months, hugged and kissed after Peniche accepted the proposal. On her MySpace page, Peniche wrote that intelligence is important in a boyfriend. "You like to be able to talk about everything that is on your mind, and if your partner can't keep up, well, you know," she wrote. "You are very attracted to someone who can challenge you, and make you see things in a whole new way." On the subject of women, Carter told People magazine: “I’m not going to tell you, ‘Oh, looks don’t matter.’ If you don’t look good, get away from me!”
I cannot believe these fruitcakes think they have a shot in hell of making it. I guess ignorance is bliss.


Madonna's new do

Personally, I don't think that it's a bad haircut. The only problem is that it's on Madonna. If it were on someone younger it would be cute, but Madge is starting to show her age (at least in these pics) and the cut makes her look like she's trying too hard to look young and hip. What do you think?


I don't think Mr. Timberlake likes to have his picture taken



What kind of sh*t is this?!

In news almost too pathetic/weird/obsessive/strange to report, Joe Simpson has now added paparazzo to his ever-increasing repetoire of controlling jobs. RadarOnline has the story:

The perpetually hustling father and manager of Jessica and Ashlee has gone beyond merely co-opting the paparazzi and has actually become one of them.

According to sources who've had recent dealings with him, Simpson has a tight working arrangement with WireImage, the mega-agency and wire service that rules the red-carpet at nearly every high-profile event in the western hemisphere. On several occasions, a camera-wielding Simpson has gone toe-to-toe with other snappers for shots of his own daughters, then approved only his own images for distribution through WireImage. At other times, he has provided the agency with exclusive (and even racy) shots of his daughters on family getaways or in other putatively private moments.

Needless to say, other photographers aren't happy. One recalled being invited to cover an event sponsored by Jessica's record label, Epic, only to find her shots blocked again and again by Joe and his Nikon. "I thought it was really odd that he was always in my way, since I was the one who was paid to be there shooting," she says. Though the freelancer did manage to get some clean shots, Joe's were the only ones WireImage deemed worthy of being distributed.



Celebrity bloggers unite!

Here's a rundown of the top 10 most hated celebrities. No surprises here. [Popbytes]


Victoria Beckham's nip slip x 2


Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Britney has baby boy #2

According to the National Enquirer, Britney gave birth to a baby boy early this morning. She had him by c-section and he weighs in at 6lbs. 11oz. Congrats Brit!


Monday, September 11, 2006

Jessica/John affair over as quick as it started


Simpson's manager dad, Joe Simpson, gave his daughter's publicist [John Shuter] the heave-ho this week, reportedly because the elder Simpson's quite perturbed about the way Shuter put the spin on his little girl's burgeoning relationship with Mayer, with a People magazine cover story Aug. 31 touting Jessica's declaration that she was in love eventually turning into an Us Weekly cover pronouncing the singer "Dumped!"

Which must have come as a surprise to Simpson, considering she went on The View this week and announced, "I am actually not dating John Mayer." (Isn't it hard enough getting dumped by the people you actually are going out with?)

A source close to the hullabaloo told Radar magazine that the overblown story was "100 percent Shuter. He broke all the rules of the game. He's a pathological liar. I wonder how much Jessica even knew what he was up to."

While the People story didn't feature Joe actually confirming that there was a love connection between Simpson and Mayer, he did tell the magazine, "I love John Mayer…If my daughter's happy, then I'm happy. And if she's in love, then I'm in love with the fact that she finds happiness. It's been a tough year for her."

Both People and Us Weekly, which also reported on the supposed hook-up last week, have stood by their reporting.

Meanwhile, Mayer's camp is turning this into a Simpson-only affair. A "friend" of the Heavier Things singer said in Us' Sept. 18 issue that Mayer is distancing himself from his brief fling and "now he will stay away from her…He thinks it's desperate. An attempt for her to stay in the spotlight."


Katie Holmes' quote of the day

"Those stories eat away at me because it's just not okay. Some of the crap that's out there - the stuff that's said about my parents and my - it's really frustrating the amount of shit that's out there. And the stuff they say about Suri? You shouldn't say that about us, and you can't say that about my child."

Holmes also reveals that she and Tom had a doll 'decoy' that looked like Suri made to throw off the media. But then TomKat plasters Suri's face all over Vanity Fair's cover. Um, okay.



The rundown of Hilton's many woes...

The most recent incident with Paris Hilton has of course been her arrest for DUI. But get a load of all the other crap she's done lately, courtesy of YahooNews:

In February, a Superior Court judge ordered Hilton to stay away from event producer Brian Quintana after he claimed she shoved him on at least three occasions and badmouthed him.

A month earlier, actress and diamond heiress Zeta Graff filed a multimillion dollar lawsuit against Hilton claiming that Hilton spewed "vicious lies" to the New York Post about an altercation the two had in a London nightclub.

In November, Hilton was a passenger in a silver Bentley that a companion drove into the back of a large commercial truck, scratching the hood of the car. The mishap was captured on videotape. Cameras were also rolling when Hilton's Range Rover backed into a car in a parking garage in June.

Hilton was just a pretty party girl and everyday heiress until a sex-tape she made with an ex-boyfriend surfaced in late 2003. That made her a cyberspace novelty and instant tabloid favorite. Hilton's reality TV series "The Simple Life" debuted shortly afterward.



Affleck says Bennifer split was good

Digital Spy: Ben Affleck has revealed his split from Jennifer Lopez boosted his career.

The actor admitted he made some bad decisions during his relationship with the singer, and didn't choose his movies for the right reasons.

He told the Daily Record: "I did popcorn stuff. But I didn't realise that there are good popcorn movies and bad popcorn movies. Ultimately, I found myself with the horrible feeling of being trapped inside this tabloid situation where my personal life was all out there."

When he split from Lopez, he reveals he reassessed his career, and made a conscious decision: "I kind of made a decision to just do the kind of movies I want and that I could be proud of being in, and not work for money or work to be famous or for any of that stuff."


Saturday, September 09, 2006

Where the hell is Matt?

Video courtesy of If only I could visit a handful of the places this guy has been, he's my new hero.


Thursday, September 07, 2006

LiLo engaged?

She's now sporting a rock on that left hand. Hmmm....



Pais busted for DUI

We all knew it would happen sooner than later. Click here to get all the details. There are other details here.


Wednesday, September 06, 2006

The Liza Minnelli poisoning attempt

Oh my. This is going to get ugly. In the bitter divorce case between Liza and David Gest, Liza now claims to have feared for her life and that Gest tried to poison her. Read the whole story here.


K-Fed's new tatoo, mamma praising, and a good cry

Kevin Federline has a new tatoo- one that follows his wife-beater tank line no less. He's also taking aim at reporters that doubt the ability of his wife to be a good mother and crying after his awful performance on the Teen Choice Awards. To read it all, go to SuicideGirls.



Tom and Katies' Asian baby- Suri's first pictures

It's Suri! She exists! And if you ask me, she's Asian! Asian hair and Asian eyes. She's awfully cute, but she doesn't really look like Tom at all.


Tuesday, September 05, 2006

Madonna's nude, erotic dance for Al Pacino

According to TheBosh, Madge performed for Pacino after meeting him on the set of 'Dick Tracy'. In his authorized biography, Pacino says,

"It's private information. She was doing a dance and she was naked under her coat. Over the course of the dance, she became inspired and opened her coat, and there she was. She has an extraordinarily beautiful body, like it has been cut out of ivory. One day when I'm old, and I'm wheeled out on the porch wrapped in a blanket, if I have a beatific smile on my face, I'll probably be thinking of that."
It should also be noted that during this time, Madonna's lover in real-life was another 'Dick Tracy' actor- Warren Beatty. Oh, Madonna, you little minx!
