Nick Lachey plans to remarry
Jessica really screwed up when she let Nick get away. I hope Father Simpson sees how interfering with his daughter's relationships is not a good idea. But also bear in mind, Life & Style isn't always the best source of accurate information, so take it for what it's worth. Personally I hope it's all true.According to [Life & Style Magazine] Nick poured his heart out to his ex-wife about his new love and a source tells the magazine he confessed he was headed for the altar. "I'm getting married again, Jess and I wanted you to hear it from me," the magazine reports Lachey as telling Jessica during a 40-minute phone call.
According to the report he claimed that there is a good chance they will be married by the end of the year.
The news came a shock to Simpson. "She knew Nick and Jessica were serious, but this threw her for a loop," a friend of Jessica's dished to the magazine."She did her best to contain her emotions."
Cue the rep: Nick's rep denied to L&S that the "I'm marrying Vanessa" phone call ever took place.